Current Works

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Current Works

I still have these BUT I also have a dozen or so more. I just don't have access to a way to post them. AS SOON AS I POST THEM I WILL LET EVERYONE KNOW. 

Louie and Whitey

Louie is the Cat. Whitey was his mother's name. She left in the visiting plumber's truck when Louie was about half grown. I think she would be very proud of him as a grown up cat. This painting is 40"x40" and $1,500.00

Timothy Leary's Cat

Not that I ever knew Timothy Leary, God rest his soul, but I do imagine that if he had a cat it just might look like this, at least to Mr. Leary.

Beach Trip

Beach Trip is one of my all time favorites. I think its funny. If you were spending too much time in the sun you just might start seeing things. Things like this, the sun illustrated as a floating chair and the clouds mimicked by the throw pillows strewn about the sky.

Star Fish

Here is a little different Star Fish. This painting was used a few years ago for the invitation to the "Evening of Stars" honoring the tireless volunteers for the Alabama Chapter of the NMSS (National Multiple Sclerosis Society)

Fifth Day

On the Fifth Day, according to Genesis, God cranked up the crazy factor on earth and started all the animal life forms. Everything from mosquitoes to elephants. Fish are part of that too and here are a few of them on this 36"x24" canvas. $850.00

My, My That's a A Big Hat

Here is a little lady with a giant hat. I think she has quite the flair for mixing patterns. Don't you?

Does This Purse Make Me Look Fat?

Just a funny thought. How many times has someone asked if something makes them look fat? Maybe it's the twinkies in the purse that are making someone look fat.