Happiness is a Choice

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big news:

I have changed my name and I have left South Alabama.

I just dropped the Richards ... the remainder of my name is same as always. 

the news was big to me. 

Opening update

This was posted in November 2010: "I have a show hanging at the Homewood Public Library Gallery in Homewood, Alabama. The title is "About Face". I will be showing paintings alongside photos by Georgia Richards from Homewood and pottery by Billie Hudson of Louisiana. It looks so good."

When I posted this I was so excited that Georgia and I had a show together, so excited that she had followed through on getting her artwork together on time for hanging the show. I'm still thankful that she did it but for different reasons.


In 2007 my signature changed and the first R went backwards. The previous incarnation was first seen in 1999, prior to that it was the 4 letters in a straight line. The SQuareArt show was the first full show of the 2007 backwards R.  Now since I am no longer using Richards anymore, Now it's RMN with the R in reverse because its pretty that way. I don't know if any of that matters to anyone besides me but there is a little trivia

Listening to Elvis
