It's Never Too Late to be Happy!

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Robin Melinda Nance

Robin Nance, Robin Melinda Nance, Robin Melinda Nance Richards, RMNR, all are Robin Melinda Nance. 

Life is precious, don't watch it, wade in it, swim in it, drink it

on November 27th, 2010 my daughter was killed in a car wreck. Someone told me this is what art is made of. Ok, well, I am not interested in making art based on my broken heart. More than likely the art that is created sometime down the road will glean some of this pain and bring it to the canvas but it will not be obvious to anyone but me.

You can try to find some reference to my loss in future artworks but I think you will be wasting your time.

Peace y'all

Funbrella (from the show 52 weeks)


Abby is a friend of mine's "granddog"

This was a commission, a Christmas gift. I finished it and by the the wonderful United States Post Office, I was able to get it to Texas by Christmas Eve!

all images copyright Robin Melinda Nance.